Package Circularity
Packaging is designed for circularity featuring Redesign, Reduction, Reuse, Recycled Content, and Recyclability
Helping the government implement a circular economy for plastics could reduce plastic and carbon pollution and create tens of thousands of jobs. It’s not about eliminating plastic; it’s about working towards zero plastic waste. There is considerable “value recovery” in using Post-Consumer Recycled PET. What do we mean by “value recovery”? Value recovery models focus on the application of recycling or recovery strategies in a product’s after-use phase. Products and materials are re-processed to minimize wastage and resource use.
While governments are working to improve collection rates, packaging designers and packaging manufacturers have a responsibility to optimize packaging design to create easy-to-separate materials and easy-to-recycle smart packaging design. To keep plastics circulating, you can do more than use recyclable PET. Sustainable plastic packaging can be made from material that has already been recycled, like Post-Consumer Recycled PET (PCR). For our paperboard products, we improve conventional packaging for a sustainable future by making responsible material choices such as switching to lightweight, easily recyclable, responsibly sourced, and sustainably produced paper boards.